Payments and refund

Currently, you have the opportunity to pay for BetWasp services with the following payment methods:
  • Stripe (Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover cards)
  • PayPal
  • CoinGate (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether and 70+ other cryptocurrencies)
If you, for some reason, mistakenly purchased the wrong subscription plan, you have the right to demand the return of funds from the Administration, with deduction:
  • Cost the number of hours used at the time of filing for a refund. The calculation of such hours is based on the tariff of a one-day package of the appropriate type of Live or Prematch, and not on the tariffs of any other package purchased by the User.
  • Payment system commission for a refund, which is 6% of the total payment.
  • A penalty fee of 35 EUR (for operating expenses).
In cases when the service was unavailable for more than 12 hours, you have the right to choose:
  • Free extension of the User's subscription for a period the Service was unavailable.
  • Refund of the User’s remaining funds with deduction of 6% of the payment system commission and the subsequent closure of the User's account.

In case the products or services cannot be provided to the User because his software or hardware, cellular network or another component of the computer system is incompatible with the products or services of the Service, the User agrees that such circumstances should not be considered a fault of the Administration, and in such cases the User has no right to demand a refund.

In each case, the User needs to make sure that he uses the latest software and hardware to prevent any problem when using the Service's products and services.

Cases of failures, malfunctions, interruption or termination of connection between the User and the Service, which arose both through the fault of the User himself and the company (organization, operator) of connection, the services of which is used by the User to communicate with the Service, the complete or partial disconnection of the User's equipment due to these or other reasons beyond the control of the Administration, the risk of losses is fully borne by the User and no refund is expected.

In addition, the Administration is not responsible for the failure or improper performance of obligations under this Agreement, if it happened due to circumstances of insuperable force (force majeure) as a result of extraordinary events that the Administration could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures.